Android Devices
WireGuard is used to provide VPN services on Android.
1. Install the WireGuard VPN Client.
2. Import the corresponding file to your device, then setup a new connection with it.


1. Install the WireGuard VPN Client.
2. Open QR code and scan it in the WireGuard app
*See the Android setup instructions for a more detailed walkthrough.

Apple MAC and iPhones
WireGuard can be used to provide VPN services on Apple devices
1. Install the WireGuard VPN Client.
2. Import the generated file to your device, then setup a new connection with it.


Use the built-in functionality (Preferred way)
1. Open Safari and go to the following URL
2. When prompted to install and allow and agree as needed

WireGuard is used to provide VPN services on Windows.
1. Install the WireGuard VPN Client.
2. Import the generated file to your device, then setup a new connection with it.

Managing Apple “Connect On Demand”

I have enabled “Connect On Demand” so the VPN will connect automatically whenever it is able. Most Apple users will want to enable “Connect On Demand”, but if you do then simply disabling the VPN will not cause it to stay disabled; it will just “Connect On Demand” again. To disable the VPN you’ll need to disable “Connect On Demand”.

On iOS, you can turn off “Connect On Demand” in Settings by clicking the (i) next to the entry for your Algo VPN and toggling off “Connect On Demand.” On macOS, you can turn off “Connect On Demand” by opening System Preferences -> Network, finding the Algo VPN in the left column, uncheck the box for “Connect on demand”, and clicking Apply.